The other day I was doing intervals up my favorite, go-to interval road. The kind of road with a cruel grade that forces you to go hard just to win the fight with gravity and maintain forward momentum. The steeper the better in my mind, that way you don’t have to try as hard….maybe that’s just me. Between sets, I thought to myself how these intervals were likely to be the last set of ‘training’ intervals I will do this season as the last race of the year was just over a week away. My immediate thought with that realization was one of relief. I’m tired of doing intervals. And then another realization hit me…I remembered doing intervals up this road in the cold of January, the wind of March, the mud of April…all with the goal of making the World Championship team. I would continuously have to talk myself into going harder, going faster, doing just one more with the focus on getting fit enough to vie for a slot on the team selected in August.
And now here I am sitting in the Dulles airport getting ready to board a flight with the final destination of Saalfelden, Austria-where the World Championships are being held. Where I will be one of 5 Elite women representing USA. Holy crap.
To be perfectly honest, I didn’t really ever think I’d get this opportunity. I remember talking with one of my good friends years ago after my first season as a “pro”. We were talking about plans for next season…what teams where doing what, what races would be a part of the ‘series’, who was ‘retiring’, who was going to be a force to be reckoned with, etc. I remember being a bit cynnical and saying “you know, what’s the point? You train hard, you pay to get to these races, you race, and if all goes well you may get some ‘points’. Then what? It’s not like I’d ever qualify for Worlds or anything…”
Well I did train hard and with the help of my team, Tokyo Joes, and my employer, Medtronic, I was able to get to some races, and I did get some points, and I actually DID end up qualifying for Worlds. Who’da thunk it? Apparently I need to get better at goal setting and self-confidence.
So obviously I’m not there yet (since I’m sitting in the airport), but I am so excited I could puke. I’m excited to go to Austria, the last time I was in Europe was for a highschool trip to Spain. Which unfortunately was so long ago I don’t really remember 😉 I’m super excited to ride my bike. Guess what, I love riding my bike! I’m excited to get my Team USA bike kit. I’m excited to race with the World’s best, even if I am number 56 out of 57. True story, I am #56. I am SOO excited that my husband Ari is going to be there.
I wouldn’t be anywhere close to where I am without the support of my family, my coach, and my team. I don’t need to start crying in the airport, so suffice it to say I am hugely grateful.
I will try to be better about posting whilst abroad…I even bought a camera so maybe I can include pictures.
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