This post is long overdue…I am extremely grateful to all my sponsors for their support this year. Thank you for believing in me and backing me! Specifically, I would like to highlight a few people, well several really, whose support this season was invaluable and for whom I am very grateful. So, in no particular order I would like to thank:
Ann Trombley you have been my coach since pretty much the beginning, and I am so grateful to have you! You’ve laid down the law and told me when I need to get serious., but you’ve also reminded me that sometimes the stress isn’t worth it and I need to chill out. You’ve made me puke and my eyes bleed:), but most importantly you are always that positive voice in my head telling me to go for it! Thank you Trailmaster.
Tokyo Joes, specifically two individuals:
Heather, the Tokyo Joes team manager-thank you for the awesome support this season and for making it all work out. 🙂 Don’t know how you keep track of it all, but I’m really glad you do!
And Larry, Tokyo Joe himself :)-it was fun to list out all the people who were at the World Championships who in one way or another had ties to Tokyo Joes-it was a pretty impressive list! Your positive energy, enthusiasm, and consistent support has made a real and significant impact on the sport of mountain biking. Thank you so much for wanting to help people like me achieve their goals. AND, thank you for delicious, healthy, and easy food options that I sadly depend on (I say sadly because too often I am too tired or lazy to cook)…and the occasional cookie:)
Trek Store Colorado crew:
Thank you for building and maintaining awesome bikes! During the race season I am in your shop almost on a weekly basis, and you guys are always ready to help with whatever question, quick fix, or component swap I come to you with. I have never once had a mechanical issue during a race this year-yes, I totally just knocked on my wood bookshelf, and I am SO appreciate that that is a stress I just don’t have to worry about. I am very grateful for the reliable support you patiently provide:)
My Family:
Mom and Dad thank you for making some of my races your vacation destinations even though sometimes the location and/or weather isn’t conducive to vacationing. Thank you for calling me after every race you weren’t at to make sure I am ok. Thanks for doing and being whatever I need you to do or be…enthusiastic cheerer, umbrella holder, face washer, the help-I’m-lost-on-my-warm-up-ride-can-you-come-and-get-me call answerer, bottle feeder, split yeller, whatever! Oh yeah, and dog watcher:) Cousins; Brian, Andrew, Brendan, Karlie, Angelyn…thank you for enthusiastically suffering through some of my races, usually in less than ideal conditions. It is SO awesome having family cheering for me and I am honored that you are there.
Devyn-thanks for doing whatever I needed Mom or Dad to do, only better:) Just kidding Mom and Dad. And Ari, thanks for putting up with me never being home and then when I am home for putting up with me when I’m tired, hungry, and stressed…which is always;). Thank you for being supportive, for understanding, and for only getting jealous of the other person in our relationship (my bike) every once and awhile. The highlight of my entire racing career thus far was seeing your excitement and awe at World Champs…makes me want to do it again 🙂
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